T. Ravichandran

Irene and Robert Bozzone '55 Distinguished Professor


Professor Ravichandran is an associated faculty member in the School of Engineering and a faculty for the IT program in the School of Science. He teaches course in the graduate and doctoral programs at Rensselaer. He periodically teaches some of these courses in top business schools in Asia and Europe and brings a global perspective to his teaching.

His long term research interests focuses on digital strategies of firms and the mechanisms through which digitization is transforming firms, markets, supply networks and industries. His research has been funded by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education, Singapore. He has published extensively in leading scholarly journals in Information Systems (Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, MIS Quarterly; European Journal of Information Systems, Information Technology Management), Decision Sciences (Decision Sciences; Logistics Information Systems) Strategic Management (Organization Science), Technology Management (IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, Journal of High Technology Management Research,) as well as in leading practitioner journals (Communications of the ACM).

His research has won several awards including the 1) Best Paper, IT and Healthcare Track, International Conference in Information Systems, 2019; 2) Best Information Systems Publication in 2010 (Association of Information System); 3) Best Published Paper Award, 2010 (Information Systems Research); 4) Best Paper Award, Software Technology Track (HICSS, 2010); 5) Best Paper Award Honorable Mention (IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2007); 6) Best Academic Paper Award (Second Supply Chain Management Symposium, McMaster University, 2004); 7) Best Paper Award (OCIS Division, Academy of Management, 2001).

He has served in editorial roles in premier academic journals: as a Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly and as a Department Editor for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, as an Associate Editor of both MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research.

Prior to joining Rensselaer, Dr. Ravichandran had extensive business experience having served as a Consultant to the Reliance Group, as the Assistant Director of National Productivity Council, India and as a Production Manager in Flakt AB (now Asea Brown Boweri). He has also been a successful entrepreneur; he started, built and ran an IT services firm.

Education & Training

Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; PG Diploma (Industrial and System Engineering) National Productivity Council, India; B.E. (Production Engineering) University of Madras, India

Other affililations: Information Technology and Web Science


His long term research interests focuses on digital strategies of firms and the mechanisms through which digitization is transforming firms, markets, supply networks and industries. His research has been funded by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education, Singapore. He has published extensively in leading scholarly journals in Information Systems (Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, MIS Quarterly; European Journal of Information Systems, Information Technology Management), Decision Sciences (Decision Sciences; Logistics Information Systems) Strategic Management (Organization Science), Technology Management (IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, Journal of High Technology Management Research,) as well as in leading practitioner journals (Communications of the ACM).

His research has won several awards including the 1) Best Paper, IT and Healthcare Track, International Conference in Information Systems, 2019; 2) Best Information Systems Publication in 2010 (Association of Information System); 3) Best Published Paper Award, 2010 (Information Systems Research); 4) Best Paper Award, Software Technology Track (HICSS, 2010); 5) Best Paper Award Honorable Mention (IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2007); 6) Best Academic Paper Award (Second Supply Chain Management Symposium, McMaster University, 2004); 7) Best Paper Award (OCIS Division, Academy of Management, 2001).

Primary Research Focus
Digital Strategy, Digital Platforms, Supply Chain Management, Competitive Dynamics, Networks and Value Creation, Information Technology Management, Outsourcing, Innovation


Current Courses

Managing Digitization and Transformation

Supply Chain Capstone


Awards & Honors

2023 Best Paper Nominee, Completed Research Papers, Americas Conference in Information Systems

2020 Best Paper Award, in the IT and Healthcare Track, International Conference in Information Systems

2019 Nominated for the Fellow, Association of Information Systems

2018 Finalist, Editor in Chief, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management

2011 Best Information Systems Publication in 2010, Association of Information Systems

2011 Information Systems Research Best Published Paper Award

2010 HICSS Best Paper Award, Software Technology Track.

2008 2007 Best Paper Honorable Mention, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

2008 Awarded Tier-1 Research Grant, Ministry of Education, Singapore (S$220,000)

2007 Nominated for the Best Paper Award, HICSS, 2007

2004 Best Academic Paper Award, Second Supply Chain Management Symposium, McMaster University.

2001 Best Paper Award, OCIS Division, Academy of Management.

1999 National Science Foundation Research Grant ($455,984)


Select Works: https://dblp.org/pid/99/6640.html

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&authorId=7004119139


  1. Shailesh Divey, Hakan Hekimoglu, T. Ravichandran (2022) The Role of Real Time Event Monitoring in Dynamic Response to Disruptions, Production and Operations Management, In Print, Accepted, June 2024.


  2. Chaoqun Deng, T. Ravichandran (2023) Managerial Response to Online Compliments: Helpful or Hurtful? Information Systems Research, Accepted, in Print, October 2023.


  3. Lianlian Jiang, T. Ravichandran, Jason Kuruzovich (2023) Content Moderation Transparency in Online Platforms and User Behaviors: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, MIS Quarterly, 47:4, 1693-1708.


  4. Nilesh Saraf, Pratyush Bharati, T. Ravichandran (2022) Does Social Capital Arise from Enterprise or Public Social Media Use? A Model of Social Media Antecedents and Consequences, Information Systems Frontiers, 25, 2353–2375 December 2022.


  5. Sukruth Suresh, T. Ravichandran (2022) Vendor Gains in Business Process Outsourcing, in print, Information Systems Frontiers, February, 24:, 677-690, 2022.


  6. T. Ravichandran, Chaoqun Deng (2022) Managerial Response to Negative Word of Mouth and Future Review Valance, Information Systems Research, 34(1), 319-341, April 2022. 


  7. T. Ravichandran, Simona Giura (2019) Knowledge Transfers in Alliances: Exploring the Facilitation Role of Information Technology, In Print, Information Systems Research, 30(3): 726-744.


  8. Choi, B, T. Ravichandran, Gina O’Connor (2019) Organizational Conservatism, Strategic Human Resource Management and Breakthrough Innovation, in Print, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management66(4): 529-541.


  9. T. Ravichandran (2018) Exploring the Relationships between IT Competence, Innovation Capacity and Organizational Agility, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 27:1, 22-42, March 2018.


  10. T. Ravichandran, Shu Han, Sunil Mithas (2017) Mitigating Diminishing Returns to R&D: Exploring the Role of Information Technology in Firm Innovation, Information Systems Research, 28:4, 812-827, December 2017.


  11. Atapattu, M, Sedera, D, T. Ravichandran, V. Grover (2016) Customers’ View of Agility: The Expectation Confirmation Theory Perspective, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 26:1, 80-108.


  12. Yu Liu, T. Ravichandran (2015) Alliance Experience, IT-Enabled Knowledge Integration and Ex-ante Value Gains, Organization Science, 26:2, 511-530, March-April 2015.


  13. KwangWook Gang, T. Ravichandran (2014) Exploring the Determinants of Knowledge Exchange in Virtual Communities, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61:1, 89-99, December 2014.


  1. Atapattu, M, Sedera, D, T. Ravichandran (2014) Agility in Consumer Retail: Sense-Response Alignment through the Eyes of the Customers, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 18:2, 111-132, 2014.


  2. Shu Han, Jason Kuruzovich, T. Ravichandran (2013) Competing through Services: Service Migration of Information Technology Product Vendors, Journal of Management Information Systems, 29:4, 127-158, Spring 2013.


  3. Jason Kuruzovich, Shu Han, Nevena Koukova, T. Ravichandran (2013) Testing the Steve Jobs Hypothesis in a B2B Context: Will a Portfolio of Hierarchically Related Technology Products Improve Customer Outcomes? Journal of Service Research, 16:3, 372-385.


  4. Dipanjan Chatterjee, T. Ravichandran (2013) Governance of Inter-organizational Information Systems: A Resource Dependence Perspective, Accepted, Information Systems Research, 24:2, 261-278, June 2013.


  5. Ruben Mendoza, TRavichandran (2012) Effects of Firm Level and Community Level Factors on the Assimilation of Vertical Standards, International Journal of Services and Standards, 8:11-23, 2012.


  1. T. Ravichandran, Yu Liu (2011) Environmental Determinism and Strategic Choice: Exploring the Determinants of Information Technology Investment Strategy, Decision Science, 42:3, August 2011, 537-574.


  2. Cui, A, Zhao, M, T. Ravichandran (2011) Market Uncertainty and Dynamic New Product Launch Strategies: A Systems Dynamics Model, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58:3, August 2011, 530-550.


  3. Mendoza, R.A., Ravichandran, T. (2011). “Conditions Favoring the Introduction of Positive Switching Costs for Adopters of Abstract Compatibility Standards.” International Journal of Business Information Systems, 8:3, September 2011, 307-321


  4. Ruben Mendoza, T. Ravichandran (2010) An Empirical Evaluation of the Assimilation of Industry-Specific Data Standards Using Firm-Level and Community-Level Constructs, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 6:2, 2010, 58-81.


  5. Lei Chi, T. Ravichandran, Goce Andrevski (2010) Digital Platforms, Network Structure and Competitive Actions, Information Systems Research, 21:3, 543-570, September, 2010. [This paper won the 2011 Best Published Paper in ISR Award and the Best Information Systems Publication Award from AIS].


  6. Ruben Mendoza, T. Ravichandran (2009) An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship Between Organizational and Institutional Factors Shaping the Assimilation of Vertical Standards, Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 9:1, 24-51.


  7. T. Ravichandran, Yu Liu, Shu Han, Iftekhar Hasan (2009) Complementarities between IT Investments and Firm Scope: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Management Information Systems, 125:4, 205-240 Spring 2009.


  8. T. Ravichandran, Shu Han, Iftekhar Hasan (2009) Effects of Institutional Pressures on Information Technology Investments: An Empirical Investigation, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56:4, 677-691, November 2009. 


  1. Gina O’Connor, T. Ravichandran, Daniel Robeson (2008) Risk Management through Learning: Management Practices for Radical Innovation Success, Journal of High Technology Management Research, 19, 70-82 August 2008.


  1. Yu Liu, T. Ravichandran (2008) A Comprehensive Investigation on the Relationship between Information Technology Investments and Firm Diversification, Information Technology and Management, 9, 169-180, August 2008.


  2. T. Ravichandran, Somendra Pant, Dipanjan Chatterjee (2007) The Impact of Industry Structure and Product Characteristics on the Structure of B2B Vertical Hubs, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54:3, 506-521, August 2007. [This paper won the 2007 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention].


  1. T. Ravichandran (2005) Organizational Assimilation of Complex Technologies: An Empirical Study of Component Based Software Development, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 52:2, 1-20, May 2005.


  1. T. Ravichandran, Chalermsak Lertwongsatien (2005) Impact of Information Systems Resources and Capabilities on Firm Performance: A Resource Based Perspective, Journal of Management Information Systems, 21:4, 237-276, Spring, 2005.


  1. Dipanjan Chatterjee, T. Ravichandran (2004) Beyond Exchange Models: Understanding the Structure of B2B Information Systems, Information System and E-Business Management, 2:2, 169-186.


  1. T. Ravichandran, Arun Rai  (2003) A Structural Analysis of the Impact of Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Embedding on Software  Process Capability,  IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50:3, 270-284, August 2003.


  1. T. Ravichandran, Marcus Rothenberger (2003) Black Box or White Box Reuse: The Impact of Component Markets on Software Reuse Strategies, Communications of the ACM,46:8, 109-115, August, 2003.


  1. Sanjay Ahire, T. Ravichandran (2001) An Innovation Diffusion Model of TQM Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 48:4, 445-464.


  1. T. Ravichandran (2000) Swiftness and Intensity of Administrative Innovation Adoption: An Empirical Investigation of TQM in Information Systems, Decision Sciences, 31:3, 1-30, Summer 2000.


  1. Somendra Pant, T. Ravichandran (2000) A Framework for Information Systems Planning for E-Business, Logistics Information Management, 14:1, 85-98.


  1. T. Ravichandran, Arun Rai (2000) Quality Management in Systems Development: An Organizational Systems Perspective, MIS Quarterly, 24:3, 381-415, September 2000.


  1. T. Ravichandran, Arun Rai (1999) Total Quality Management in Information Systems Development: Key Constructs and Relationships, Journal of Management Information Systems, 16:3, 119-155, Winter 1999.


  1. T. Ravichandran (1999) Software Reusability as Synchronous Innovation: A Test of Four Theoretical Models, European Journal of Information Systems, 8, 183-199.


  1. Arun Rai, T. Ravichandran, & Subhashish Sammadar (1998) How to Anticipate the Internet's Global Diffusion Communications of the ACM, 41:10, 97-106, October 1998.

The following is a selection of recent publications in Scopus. T. Ravichandran has 91 indexed publications in the subjects of Computer Science, Business, Management and Accounting, Social Sciences.

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